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Maerdy Roofing

Maerdy Roofing

Maerdy Roofing
  • Client :  Trivallis
  • Location : Maerdy
  • Value : £650,000
  • Commencement Date : July 2016
  • Duration : 4 Months
  • Works Carried Out : Roofing

The contract was part of the RCT Homes Roofing Framework.

We were successful in procuring roofing works to 98 properties in the Maerdy area of RCT over a 4 month period.

The contract consisted of completing both main roofing and porch roofs. We carried out all necessary works such as the roofing, gas, satellite, plastic works and scaffolding.

Additionally, we managed and instructed both the removal of solar panels and asbestos.

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