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Jefferies has become a member of Cardo Group, an enterprise which is delivering its vision of a family of social housing building maintenance businesses, with in-house retrofit expertise, with a national footprint.

Cardo Group is led by Liam Bevan, Chief Executive Officer, and Strategy Director, Jane Nelson.  Leigh Bullock, Managing Director, and Terry Ware, Operations Director, will stay at the helm at Jefferies.

A message from Leigh and Terry

Like us, Cardo Group sees the whole Jefferies’ team as being well placed to continue on our journey of providing customer-focused services and sustainable growth as clients increasingly put quality at the forefront of their requirements.  We are also well placed to help clients who are progressing their retrofit schemes.

We know that everyone at Jefferies will welcome this change and the extra support it will bring to enable us to focus on delivering our valued clients’ expectations and our growth plans.  Our sincere thanks to each and every person at Jefferies – you are what makes us so special. Our valued supply chain – many of whom have worked with us for over ten years – are also due our thanks, and we are delighted that you will be part of our growth plans going forward.

Our thanks also go to our much valued clients, and you can be assured that we remain focused on providing excellent services to your tenants and other customers.  We will both continue to take all the key day-to-day decisions as well as setting the strategic direction of Jefferies.  We, and Cardo Group, are committed to building long-term, customer-focused and collaborative partnerships with you.

Leigh Bullock, Managing Director

Terry Ware, Founder and Operations Director

Please click here for further details.

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